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The Value of Feedback for Writers

Recently, someone in an online group of children's writers asked if anyone provided professional editorial or critiquing services. Another person mentioned my name. (Thank you!)

This writer was still new on their writing journey. Before investing in a professional critique, it's beneficial to get feedback and critiques from writing peers, often called critique partners (or a critique group).
My critique partners and I really help each other to be better writers. It's not just their suggestions that help. Over the years, my writing has improved by reading what they write.

My writing partners want me to be critical-but I should be able to explain why a phrase or sentence doesn't quite work. I may even provide alternatives. It's fun to point out a well-written paragraph. I also look at strengths and weaknesses in the whole text. It's not just typos and grammar we examine.

I write alone, but I depend on others to help me write well.

I can't recommend critique groups and critique partners enough.

Critique partners help each other improve their writing. They cheer each other on as resumes expand.

So...before you pay for a professional critique (which is an excellent idea before submitting), consider a peer critique first. Maybe several Some writers don't have time to provide critiques to other writers, so they only get professional critiques. That's fine, but your writing will strengthen with every critique!

I drafted this post just before I saw my friend's post about critique groups. Marsha shared advice on finding a critique group. I'll just add if you are a children's writer, SCBWI may help! (I mention SCBWI in my tips for writers and again in my list of resources. If you don't know it and you write for children, you should.)

I live in a rather rural area. My critiques are on-line (both professional and with my critique group and critique partners). However, some writers meet regularly with a critique partner or group. There's value in all kinds of feedback!

If you have a polished manuscript and you're ready for a professional critique, I'd love to help you. Learn more about my critiques for children's writers here.

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