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School Visits with Nonfiction Author Annette Whipple

I absolutely love when an educator emails me to ask about my author visits. I know a question isn't an invitation, but answering their questions often leads to a day with students. And that's what I love.

To give librarians, teachers, and PTA volunteers information in an easy-to-read format, I've created a multi-page document full of answers to their most important questions. 

Honestly, they can find the almost all of same information here on the website, but this makes it much easier to read and share with colleagues. (The pages about helpful details and next steps are not on the website.)  

A parent can also share a printed copy with their school.

This author visit guide is rather robust with information. If you only need my basic information, you might be more interested in this one-sheet with my basic author visit information on it. (And it actually has a QR code which leads to the 8-page guide for those who want more detailed information.) 
In addition to a note from me, the person browsing my author visit guide will read...
• about me 
• my books (and awards)
• presentation options
• testimonials
• preferred fees and discounts
• helpful details (scheduling and including student book orders)
• next steps
If you're interested in booking a visit or just learning more about me, I hope you'll check out this author visit guide. I know location is especially important for many schools. I live in Chester County, Pennsylvania (near Maryland and Delaware). Though I'm passionate about nonfiction reading and writing, I also have other topics I happily present. 

If you know you're interested, don't wait because if we have a signed contract by June 1, 2023 you receive this year's rates. (The printable guide includes next year's slightly higher rates.) 

Please let me know how I can serve your community. Email me with any additional questions or concerns! In addition to author visits, I also provide professional development workshops, family literacy events, as well as other presentations for adults. Please contact me for private or homeschool event details and fees. 

However, not everyone wants a multi-page document when they're just gathering information and finding possible authors for a school visit. If you prefer a my author visits summarized in a single page, you'll want this printable one-sheet. 

If you're looking for a speaker to talk to adults about literacy, curiosity, Laura Ingalls Wilder, or other topics, I also present to community and faith-based groups. That information is also summarized in a single page for those interested.

I look forward to serving your community! 

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1 comment

  1. These sheets are so great! They inspired me to create some of my own! Thank you for sharing what you do.
